Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How to Make Money From Writing Online

If you love to write, you may have thought about it as a way to make money and have fun at the same time. In this article, I will discuss a few ideas you may want to explore that could earn you some extra cash!

1) Writing Articles

If you enjoy doing shorter works such as articles, there are now several sites on-line where you can earn money based on how many hits your article receives and the type of topic you write about. Ehow.com is a great site to start with when it comes to How-to articles, and I've had a wonderful experience with them. Two other sites I know are legitimate are Helium.com and Associated Content. All three pay you through PayPal.

2) Sell Your Work to Websites at Your Own Price

If you want to set your own price on an article for other sites to buy (exclusive or non-exclusive rights), Constant Content is a good site to consider. Just realize you'll have to be patient and will likely need to produce a bulk amount of material to make regular sales.

3) Self Publish Books and E-books

If you've ever wanted to self-publish a book or e-book, the best site I've found for this is Lulu.com. The great thing about them is they're publishing-on-demand. I've never had to pay anything upfront since I've worked with them, and you only have to make $5 in sales before they send you a royalty, again through PayPal.

4) Create Web Pages Using Template Sites

is a little more complicated to set-up, but it's worth checking out. They don't pay you directly but allow you to set up affiliates including Google Adwords (pays you based on hits to the pages), Amazon's affiliate program, and eBay's affiliate program. I really like them so far.

More Tips:

I'm fairly new in this field, but overall what I've found works is keeping your own rights to your work and giving multiple sites non-exclusive rights to sell or display your work. This way you can do the work once and try it out on different outlets. It's amazing how on one site an article will make you a small amount of money while on another it will make you a lot! It all depends on the topic of the article.

I hope you've found these tips and websites helpful. For more detailed information, I have a book all about this that you can view by clicking here.

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